The Qualifications
for ChildLight Schools Membership
- Educational Training in ChildLight Schools is characterized
Deliberate and continuing training of faculty and
staff in applying the four principles of
education (Atmosphere, Discipline, Life, and Relations) increasingly
in all areas of school life.
- A program of regular training
of local governing boards (School
Boards, Ministry Teams, Church Sessions, and Committees)
in the understanding and living out of Mason principles through
campus meetings, seminars, and other venues.
- A program of regular training
of parents in the understanding
and living out of Mason principles through required reading,
workshops, and other venues.
- A practice of visionary leadership by the principal of
each school, supported by his or her local governing board,
that brings each family into a greater commitment to the
principles of Christian education that are inspired by Charlotte
- Atmosphere/Life in ChildLight Schools consists of...
- An aesthetically pleasing learning environment containing
attractive, authentic displays and tastefully mounted student
work, within the limitations as imposed by the specific location
of the school. Displays elucidate themes and topics studied,
and take into account the visual learning of students.
- A consistent attention to the use
of living books, elimination
of content "twaddle", and inclusion of primary
sources as key components of curriculum.
- A recognition of the value and necessary practice
of narration
as a primary method in acquiring and assessing knowledge.
- A presence of several Charlotte
Mason practices including
Nature Study, Picture Study, Composer Study, Poetry Study,
Shakespeare, Handwork, Book of Centuries, Transcription and
Dictation, and Recitation.
- A program of student assessments that includes examinations
of broad knowledge rather than grasp of details
- A frequent opportunity for prayer,
reflection and meditation to
be engaged in by students, teachers, staff, and school
- An emphasis on giving one's full attention,
putting forth one's best effort, doing
careful and thorough work, and contributing to an atmosphere
of simplicity that allows one to put self aside so that
the focus can be on the ideas or habits at
- Relationships/Leadership in ChildLight school includes...
A principal who has a commitment to
and an increasing knowledge of Mason writings, and
a passion to continually set goals that apply these to school
- An incorporation of varied relationships
between students, parents, teachers and the community to
include regular conferences, assemblies, stewardship
of school property, cooperative play and learning, and
consistent community service.
- A structure of small class sizes
and low student-teacher ratios (preferably less
than 20:1) in order to foster relational learning.
- A focus on the student's relationship
to God and his parents as their primary motivation for
learning and forming habits,
rather than the use of extrinsic rewards for such.
- A willingness on the part of all association members
share all documents, publications,
and handbooks freely with
one another, only charging another association school for
the actual cost of the materials.
- The Cultivation of
Discipline/Habits in ChildLight Schools look like...
- A diligent effort and plan to immerse students
in moral and intellectual habit formation in all of school
- A similar effort to assist parents in building
habits at home.
- Ongoing discussion to discern whether or not practices,
materials, and activities adopted from the culture impede
or promote the building of good habits.